An alpine summer comes to an end

Our cows have also arrived back in the valley and, as you can see, are enjoying the wonderful late summer weather to the fullest! We are very grateful that we can look back on a quiet summer in the alpine pastures and that we were able to welcome everyone, humans & animals, back to the farm in good health!

Summer holidays at the Junsalm - Jausenstation Stoankasern are not only a very special time of the year for us, but also for our cows! The untouched nature, the lush grasses & herbs and the fresh spring water not only contribute to the well-being of our "ladies" during the summer but also to the unique & high-quality taste of our milk and dairy products, such as the award-winning Junsberger Almkäse, the alpine butter and much more, which we also use daily in the hotel and are available in our farm shop Edenlehen!

We are proud to work & live in harmony with nature and thus make an existential contribution to preserving the diversity, functionality and beauty of our alpine region! Experience nature - My dream holiday at Edenlehen!

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